ASTC Workshops

Make-A-Vis: Come Build a Data Visualization from the Ground Up


September 20, 2019


1:30pm - 4:30pm

Meeting Place:

Metro Toronto Convention Center
ASTC Annual Conference
255 Front St W, Toronto, ON M5V 2W6, Canada


Visualize your world! During this hands-on session come play with the xMacroscope, an open-source tool that supports the design of compelling data visualization experiences for the museum floor. This is a hands-on session; bring your laptop and use your data or ours. Limited to 40 people. Preregistration required.

Friday, September 20, 2019

1:30pm Welcome and Introductions
Click to download slides
2:00pm Project Overview and the Data Visualization Literacy Framework (Katy Borner)
2:30pm • Make-A-Vis
• Setting the Stage: Video overview of xMacroscope (Bryan Kennedy)
• Make-A-Vis Demonstration (Bruce Herr II)
3:00pm Break
3:15pm xMacroscope in the Museum Context (Bryan Kennedy)
Click to view Talk #1
Click to view Talk #2
3:45pm What learning sciences research is performed with the xMacroscope? (Anna Keune)
Click to download presentation
4:00pm MAV applied to Connected Worlds at the New York Hall of Science (Stephen Uzzo)
4:15pm Build a Visualization (Bruce Herr II)
5:30pm Adjourn


Katy Börner

Katy Börner

SICE, Victor H. Yngve Distinguished Professor of Engineering and Information Science Director,
CI for Network Science Center (CNS)

Bruce Herr

Bruce Herr

Senior System Architect / Project Manager at CNS

Lisel Record

Elizabeth Record

CNS, School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering
Indiana University Curator Places & Spaces: Mapping Science


Bryan Kennedy

Science Museum of Minnesota, Director, Exhibit Media


Kylie Peppler

University of California Irvine, Associate Professor


Stephen Uzzo

New York Hall of Science, Chief Scientist

Thank you to our generous sponsors: